
When you give you are enabling the message of God's love and salvation to spread throughout the Skagit Valley and around the globe.

While we do receive offerings as an act of worship during our Sunday morning services, online giving is a great option too! It is easy and secure.

Your generous and sacrificial giving allows Inspire Church to continue to influence the Skagit Valley to follow Jesus. When you give online your sensitive data is protected and all donations are tax deductible.

How Inspire Church is Financed

The Bible promotes the practice of stewardship or wise financial management. Stewardship includes tithing and the giving of offerings.

Tithing - giving 10% of your income to the Lord

Offerings - giving that exceeds the tithe

When you give you are enabling the message of God's love and salvation to spread throughout the Skagit Valley and around the globe. As we strive to Inspire the Skagit Valley to follow Jesus your generosity is a vital part of the success of Inspire Church. Through your obedience we are able to touch more lives, mend more hearts and extend more hope.